Higher Level Skills for Professional Excellence
Models & Methods
Excellence in Business & Optimum Performance
Exercise your Executive Powers of Mind for High-Performance MindFirst & Take your performance to the next & higher level!
"Elvis Exercises Your Mind & Trains Your Brain with his ExecuSkills™ & Neurocise® Programs.
You Must Go First!
Communication Training Programs
Exercise your Executive Powers of Mind for High-Performance MindFirst &...
Take your performance to the next & higher level!
Hire Elvis Lester for Ferocious Public Speaking & Presenting
Exercise your Executive Powers of Mind for High-Performance MindFirst &...
Communicate at the next & higher levels!
Ferocious Public Speaking & Presenting
Intentional & Complete Communication & Propulsive Conversation
Advanced & Complete Communication Skills™ &
& Propulsive Conversation™
Advanced Communication Skills
using NLP & Neurocise®.
Align your Communication with your Highest Intentions - Design & Deliver powerful Messages & "Meta-Messages" Tailor & Deliver Your Message with Mastery for Maximum Results.
The Power Of Rapport & Congruency with Self & Other
Advanced rapport & interpersonal communication skills for high-level persuasion & influence utilizing NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) & Neurocise®. Heighten your sensory acuity, become a meta leader, enhance personal congruency & state control skills.
Sales, Service & Marketing Programs
Sales & Service ExcellenceAdvanced Personal & Professional Persuasion & Influence
Sales & Service, Sales Management, Marketing & Leadership
Spiral Sales & Service
Sales & Service Excellence MindFirst™
How to InSpire your buyers & provide exceptional service to your customers! Train your employees & leaders for...
"Service Excellence MindFirst!"
Strategies to Answer Your Yearning for Exceptional Service!
How you can get your employees to SAY YES to your customers & deliver the quality of service your company aspires to each & every time you make contact with a customer.
Marketing &
Identity Branding™
Identity-Branding™ &
iVIBES™ Modeling
VIBE™ MarketingCommunicate Your Identity™, CYI
iVIBES™ Modeling
VIBE™ Marketing
What Else?
We custom design trainings to your company's needs. We provide in-house training, webinars and high performance coaching to improve performance. Contact us to discuss your outcomes and how Elvis Lester can assist you in exceeding your expectations.
Leadership & Management Trainings
Leadership & Management
Executive Excellence & Leadership Programs
Management, Officers, Supervisors & Leaders
Leadership & Management
Executive Excellence & Leadership Management ProgramsInSpiring Excellence & Leadership MindFirst™
Essential leadership, team & coaching skills for employee inspiration, meaning, motivation & personal development.
How to motivate self & others for peak performance MindFirst with emotional intelligence, state control & advanced influence & NLP skills.
Create attractive, satisfying, energetic & engaging workplaces for employees - environments where people want to
co-operate, contribute & collaborate.
How to motivate self & others for peak performance MindFirst with emotional intelligence, state control & advanced influence & NLP skills.
Create attractive, satisfying, energetic & engaging workplaces for employees - environments where people want to
co-operate, contribute & collaborate.
Advanced Skills to Defuse Conflict & Negotiate Agreement
Techniques for resolving conflict in the workplace with so-called 'troubled or difficult' customers & employees!
Change Management, Conflict Resolution &
Crisis Debriefings for Teams/Managers/Team Leaders/Employees/etc.
We do consultative & facilitated debriefings, expert-level change management & conflict resolution sessions at your workplace. You will find no better resource for these skills & expertise.
Elvis Lester also provides Employee Assistance such as coaching, counseling & personalized training.
InSpiring Excellence & Leadership MindFirst™
Essential leadership, team & coaching skills for employee inspiration, meaning, motivation & development. How to motivate self & others for peak performance MindFirst with emotional intelligence, state control &advanced influence & NLP skills. Create an attractive, satisfying, energetic & engaging workplace for employees. An environment where they will want to co-operate, contribute & collaborate.
Shift & Master Perceptual Positions
Come from different Perspectives &
"Points of View"
Learn how to take different & more productive mental-emotional perspectives & viewpoints to enhance success, teamwork, co-operation, collaboration, etc. Shift to & through perceptual positions of self, other, onlooker/observer, system/organization, etc. & enhance your ability to 'read' the intentions, emotions & the messages you send to self & other.
High-Performance Training Programs
The best instructors have designed the most motivating learning paths for you.
Take Care of Business - Focus & Align Your Attention with Your Highest Intentions
How you can align your Identity, Values, Intentions & Beliefs, Expectations & States. Focus & concentrate your attention on what you really want! Learn how to Design Engineer Excellence MindFirst™ using the DEEM™ Model & Design Solution Modeling™ to Identify & achieve Desired State & Well-Formed Outcomes & conditions at work & DEEM It Into Being... MindFirst!
"Model Excellence MindFirst!"
Achieve more Balance at work & play.
Get & Give "Good VIBES"
Lead, Live & Work by Design...
with more Intention!
with more Intention!
Mastery Thinking-Preferences & Sorting Styles
NLP Meta-Programs for high performance & maximum achievement. Learn how your mind & emotion filters and drives your behavior & the behavior of others. Utilizing the Identity Compass we will help you identify your thinking-preferences & learn how to shift & adjust/adapt them to fit your needs & Desired State Outcomes.
Go First MindFirst!
SAY YES to High-Performance MindFirst!
1-3 Day Trainings Scheduled In-House to improve Performance MindFirst. Elvis sequences the learnings in seminars for maximum impact & integration of skill. That is what he is about.
Learn how to become a Modeler & take action with more intentionality. Develop your own "model of mind" (a system) so that you can function with much more intentionality, awareness & skill in how you think-feel-evaluate (filter/process information) & communicate & relate. Increase your personal & organizational sensory acuity & attention-awareness skills & learn how to use more of "your psycho-logical intelligences" for increased self-awareness, intuition, presence & peace of mind. Raise Your PsyQ - Increase Your Psycho-Logical Intelligences.
"Bring Psycho-Logical Intelligence to work."
Launch The MIND™ Module & Access Your MIND Zone
Exercise your powers of mind-brain-body for High-Performance
"Your Mind Works Perfectly Fine, just giving you signs." What we call
Take Maximum Action Now!
Go Straight to your BOSSn!
InSpiration, motivation & High Performance through the power of focus and intention
How you can get more Focused, Intentional, Resourceful, Energized & Determined - Up & Present! Develop a propulsion system to achieve what you really want & the energy/action to make it happen NOW!
Learn how you can improve your ability to identify, access & "come from" your Best Operating States, Strategies & Skills. Utilize advanced state control for more flexibility, motivation, commitment, confidence, optimism & more. Exercise & Increase your mental-emotional competencies & enhance your "PsyROI" (psycho-logical return on investment) for maximum achievement at work.
Get into Uptime States of Mind!
Enhance your "State Control" for more Passion, Presence, Power & Poise at work.
Build and Apply more powerful & productive States of Excellence for yourself & your employees.
Overcome and get rid of fear, worry, frustration & lack of focus & move on to what's most important...
Action, productivity, rewarding work, Peace Of Mind, etc.
Courses included
Bundle Title
Bundle description.