Our Models and Methods

About our models and methods
Oct 14 / Elvis Lester


Neurocise® is the foundation of each program you will find here. The very basis of learning is what you are doing via your senses  (sense channel activity) - what you see-hear-feel-smell-taste and how these sensory activities psynergize (come together) to create what we call "reality" (experience). By presupposing that we create via our senses our very own realities we can create whatever experience we desire internally & utilize that as a guide to direct our actions & how we interact with the world & the actions we take. 


Eye Movement Emergence Reemergence & Guided Expression™
With EMERGE™, we harness the power of eye movement & emergent properties. "It's not an emergency, it's emergent (how your mind & brain work). For every experience there are properties that emerge & you can begin to notice & detect these as features & distinctions that become the very guides to precisely making distinctions that empower you at every turn of action. Eye Movement is a true personal power you really need to learn more about. Learn more now...


NLP, Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a powerhouse of resources that you can access & learn to apply in your life on a daily basis. With NLP you learn how to access & utilize the very structure of what we call "reality" (in the making). This empowers you to create the reality you desire & require in the moment for optimal & maximal results in life. NLP is based on modeling - modeling excellence into your life & your performance - from others & yourself. 


You are the “psynergizer”.
You have the power of what I have discovered as Psynergetics™ – to combine (& yes to RECOMBINE) & to enter (& REENTER) into the formula or mix (of what we call ‘reality’ & ‘consciousness’) – whatever you desire freely (although there is evidence in neuroscience that we do have inclinations as a result of what we have previously combined (PRIORS – more on that later). You have the privilege to decide what should empower (or dis-empower) you. 

  • Psynergetics focuses on the emergence of response properties to create a psynergy of resources.
  • Psynergetics is concerned with Psynergy of Processes/operations/responses.
  • Psynergetics focuses upon the combining & binding of processes - Neural processes that are non-conscious. 
  • Psynergetics is about connecting the elements of excellence so that we can PerForm via the structure & order we have created.
  • Psynergetics helps us to combine & recombine – enter & reenter – these elements of excellence with precision (modeling) of experience & performance.
  • Psynergetics is concerned with the emergence of interrelated parts to make a whole response - Structure – Process – Function – Features – Subfeatures & so much more.

Identity Evolution™

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